samedi 8 septembre 2012

Discover Quit Smoking Benefits And Enjoy A New Healthy Life

You have taken the right step in making a decision to quit smoking. In doing so, you have made a significant personal achievement for this requires motivation, determination and a high level of commitment. You should be proud of yourself for making this wise decision.

Making a decision to stop smoking is rather personal and a unique experience to each individual. Some finds it easy to just refrain from smoking while others and probably the majority will find it extremely difficult to stop lighting those cigarettes. There is no miracle cure to stop the smoking addiction. For many, it will not be an easy path to follow but we know that many have succeeded to kick this habit. It is not only a personal achievement but would also bring loads of benefits to your family and loved ones.

Making the decision to quit
Why do smokers decide to stop? Knowing the reasons to stop smoking can provide strong motivations. Here are some of the major reasons to quit smoking:
• Live longer
One in two smokers will die early due to diseases associated with smoking. It has been reported that smoking kills more than 400,000 Americans each year!
• Avoiding toxic chemicals
Cigarette smoke contains nearly 4,000 harmful chemicals, and 50 of them are carcinogenic.
• Prevent diseases
Nearly 40 types of diseases are linked with the dangers of smoking. These include cancer, cardiovascular, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, stroke and colon cancer. Prevent all these dreadful diseases by saying no to smoking.
• Live healthier
Non smokers are less prone to getting coughs, cold, chest infections and respiratory diseases compared to those who smoke.
• Respect others
When you smoke, those people surrounding you would inevitably also inhale the smoke from your cigarette. They become passive smokers. And passive smokers also get the same, if not more risks of getting the diseases associated with smoking.
• Healthy children
Parents who smoke unfortunately also affect the health of their children. They are more likely to suffer from ailments such as irritations to the eyes, nose and throat and respiratory illnesses.
• Higher fitness level
Smoking will affect your fitness level and reduces your stamina while doing exercises, jogging, walking or more intense activities.
• Healthier complexion
Our skin needs to get an adequate supply of oxygen so that new healthy cells are formed. Smoking will cause a reduced oxygen supply and the skin will tend to lose the luster and wrinkles are more easily formed.
• Fresh breath of air
Your breath will not smell of tobacco which many dislikes and are not comfortable with.
• Smile and show your white teeth
Cigarette smoke will stain the teeth and you will never flash those white, sparkling teeth again when you smile.
• Awful odor in your hair and clothes
Cigarette smoke will leave the tobacco smell in your hair and clothes which many will not like when they come near you.
• Save $$$
Smokers who smoke a pack of cigarettes everyday can save thousands in a year if they did not smoke.
• Save the environment
Tobacco smoke contaminates the air and the environment. Fires have been caused by lighted cigarettes thrown irresponsibly.
The main factor to succeed is a strong determination and will power. Think of all the benefits that you will get and most of all is a more healthy life to live. Free yourself of tobacco addiction and make that all important decision today.

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