jeudi 16 août 2012

Fasting is a completely natural healing therapy that has been used for thousands of years to aid, treat, and even cure many common maladies. It creates the same healing effects today.
And while modern medicine so often attempts to alleviate outer symptoms of a health condition, fasting affects healing from the inside out, getting to the actual source of the condition, helping to burn inferior cells and build new healthier cells and tissues.
Our bodies are capable of instigating their own perfect healing if we allow them the opportunity. Fasting is such an opportunity.

What can fasting do for you ? 

  • heal a host of minor (and sometimes major) health disorders
  • help you lose weight and keep it off
  • cleanse your body of metabolic wastes and toxins
  • improve your skin tone and health, making you look younger
  • stimulate new cell growth, making you feel younger
  • strengthen your immune system and natural defenses
  • improve glandular health and hormonal balance .
  • increase mental clarity .
  • enhance your moods, enjoy a more positive outlook .
  • give you more energy and enthusiasm .
  • enhance your spiritual connection .

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